Sunday, December 18, 2016

DIY- Craft of the Day: Sensory Bottles (aka Calm Down Bottles)

I needed something easy to make for my niece's Christmas present in addition to a couple Disney Little Golden Books and a book about Goldilocks I got her, and since she has and is getting more toys and clothes than she needs, those were out of the question. So I came across these:

Sorry about my phone's clarity. I turned on both lights!
Sensory bottles! Stimulating things for kids to amuse themselves with and relax when having a fit. I had trouble not staring at the glitter one in the middle myself, it was so soothing. The beads and googly eyes have a nice sound, and the pom-poms just look neat, I guess?

A 'recipe' for the glitter bottle can be found right here. Enjoy!